Working 60 Hours/week for $17,200...
We are all connected and we need our local farms. Our food & wine comes from local farms, our farm equipment industry needs farms, our economy needs farms and farms need migrant workers.
St. Alban's Anglican Church in Beamsville, Ontario, has reached out to the community to help make these workers feel welcome, safe and connected to their families back home.
The community has come together to offer:
Isolation Reduction: bussing, driver pools, free bikes, bike repairs and English classes
Counselling: assistance in settling into the community offered in Spanish
Medical Care: A free triage clinic with a volunteer Doctor and Nurse is available on Sunday evenings with a translator.
Meals: Community Businesses and Residents can sponsor the Sunday dinner, providing a hot, family style meal.
Entertainment: A monthly festival is held including bilingual church service, bussing, food, Latin music DJ, games & prizes.
WIFI: Computers and free wifi is made available to stay in contact with spouses and children.
Winter Clothing, Pesticide Safety Course & Income Tax Assistance.
It's easy to help. Join us in supporting the Migrant Farmworkers Project. Bring your used bikes to the church (even if they are broken), sponsor a meal or donate winter clothing. St. Alban's Church 4341 Ontario St. Beamsville (near Shoppers Drug Mart).
Contact the Migrant Farm Workers Project. Mike Hahn 905-563-4518. or email mhahn@cib.ca
Konkle Plumbing & Heating Inc. proudly sponsoring Easter Dinner. We will pick up bikes for donation. Call today!