We tend to blame the 'constant kid-sniffles' on the school or daycare. Kids are sick and it may be our own home to blame. We're spending more time indoors and poor indoor air quality (IAQ) could be the problem.
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is gaining interest as homes are built tighter and more pollutants are among us. Home and Workspace air quality can be poor and we may feel symptoms are more prevalent during winter months. The average person spends 50%+ more time indoors during the colder seasons than in summer months.
Health Canada: Symptoms of poor Indoor Air Quality
- recurring cold symptoms, tiredness
- headache or dizziness, coughing and sneezing, wheezing or difficulty breathing
- mucous in the nose or throat, dry or irritated eyes, nose, throat and skin
People who are most at risk for health effects are:
- older adults
- young children
- those who are active outdoors
- those who have existing heart conditions
- those who live near industries or busy roadways
- those who have existing breathing or lung problems and illnesses
- Lung conditions, asthma, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Heart conditions & people who have previously suffered a heart attack, heart rhythm problems like arrhythmia
- Those with diabetes are also at risk for air pollution health effects.
Improve Indoor Air Quality
Health Canada suggests using a mechanical HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system in your home with a filtration system built into the duct work.
The CleanEffects Filtration System removes 99.98% of allergens, traps particles down to 0.1 micron in size, is up to 100 times more effective than a standard 1" Furnace Filter. This systems is easily installed by a Licensed HVAC Contractor and costs far less than most HEPA systems on the market.
Clean Your Ducts and Furnace.
Humidify the Air